Dear City of Palm Springs Resident – District 5,
I’m excited to be a candidate for Palm Springs City Council - District 5, in the upcoming November 2024 election. With over 30 years city government experience - 21 years as your City Manager - I’m ready to get back to work for our city!
I’m running for City Council with the intent to build upon the many successes I have helped our city to achieve and as you know, there is so much more to do! Moreover, as a resident of District 5 for over 18 years, I understand our specific district issues and will strongly represent and advocate for our share of city resources and services.
My commitment to you and our city is unwavering. I did not stop caring about the future of Palm Springs just because I retired as City Manager. A lifelong passion for government service was re-energized when the current Council Member of District 5 announced that she was not running for re-election. Over the next several months, I hope to meet many of you personally, and have an opportunity to discuss issues important to you, both in our district and city wide. Also, throughout this campaign, I will be sharing with you my ideas for continuing the important work of keeping our neighborhood quality of life strong and providing the highest possible level of city services.
It would be an honor to have your support for my candidacy. Please feel free to contact me by email/text/phone with your ideas and concerns for our District and our City. Or visit my website for update information on my campaign, at
Most Sincerely,
David H. Ready
760-409-0833 (cell)
Ready for Palm Springs