Eric and Vivian Chiel Support David Ready for Palm Springs City Council

This afternoon, Vivian and I signed the City Council Nominating Petition required to place David Ready on this November’s ballot to represent our district.  David is well-known to many of us — he was Palm Springs’ longest-serving City Manager — but I’d like to share with you some of the reasons I signed that petition and why I’m asking that you consider doing the same.

I first met David in 2012 in my earliest days establishing the Twin Palms Neighborhood Organization (TPNO).  Through my work with that organization, and even more so in my work as Communications Officer for ONE-PS, I had numerous opportunities to work, travel, collaborate, and socialize with David.  As the highest-ranking member of Palm Springs City Staff, he was consistently accessible, responsive, and perseverant.  This speaks to his obvious love of public service and contributes to an uncommonly high level of sincerity and integrity that served the entire city so well for more than 20 years.  After the election, as a City Councilmember, David would have the opportunity to continue his work for Palm Springs, and no one would benefit more than those of us in District 5.

Eric and Vivian Chiel

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